Water analysis in the pool

Description of the analysis

Are you the owner or the manager of either a swimming pool, sauna with a cooling pool or a swimming pool with public access? Do you need to meet the requirements of a hygienist and enter data about your pool into the PIVO system? Then you need a regular water analysis.

Rozbor vody v bazénu

According to Decree 238/2011 Coll. you are obliged to ensure the regular water quality assessment by an accredited laboratory.   

What is included in the analysis of the pool and what are your responsibilities?

Our laboratory will take care of regular measurement of bacteria, including legionella and some other chemical parameters.

You or your employees are obliged to ensure the adequate levels of chlorine, the correct pH value, etc. in the pool. See the Decree No. 238/2011 Coll for more details. Based on the analyzed samples, we will determine whether the pool works properly, if the water does not contain any bacteria, if the levels of chlorine are OK, if the pH is right, etc. In case of any uncovered deficiency, we will inform you immediately, and when the situation is remedied we perform another assessment.                      

How often should a pool of water be sampled?

The frequency of sampling is given by Decree No. 238/2011 Coll .:  

  • Pool with a temperature up to 28 ° C must be sampled once a month
  • Swimming pools with a temperature above 28 ° C must be sampled twice a month (one more extensive and one less extensive assessment)     

If there is no bacteriological contamination found 5 times in a row, the frequency is automatically reduced to once a month.    

To whom are the results of the analysis submitted?

The results of the analyses are entered into the PIVO database operated by the Hygiene Service ("HS"). In case of an inspection from the HS, it is necessary to prove that the water in the pool is regularly checked and always fulfills the regulations.

Order an analysis

All prices are without VAT.

Zvolte si rozbor:

Teplota do 23°C

Teplota do 28°C

Teplota nad 28°C

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+420 266 316 272
Contact us

To get your results only three steps are needed

Clarification of the analysis

We will clarify the parameters of the swimming pool - volume, water temerature, water source.

Price offer

We will assess a price offer accordingly and after your approval we will sign a contract.

Price offer

If you need the assessment done quickly, we can make the first sampling and you can sign the contract afterwards.

Initiation of periodical sampling

Our sampler will come to you and perform the first sampling and explains everything you need to know.

Initiation of periodical sampling

After completing the first analysis, we enter the results of the analysis into the register of the Regional Hygiene Station.