Table 2.1

Description of the analysis

This sampling must be performed in the following cases: 

  • If your soil or building material did not meet the limits for table 10.1 or table 10.2.
  • If you know the soil is contaminated.
  • If you need to store the material in a landfill for some reason (perhaps because it is in close proximity and you will save money for the transport).

The decree requires sampling by an independent and accredited person. However, some landfills and intermediate landfills do not require this and you can extract the sample yourself.

Table 2.1 (or water extract) is always the basis for landfilling. We distinguish landfills of 3 types:  

  • Landfill for inert waste - there is only a few landfills of this type.  
  • Landfill for other waste -  make the majority of landfills.  
  • Landfill for hazardous waste - landfills of this type are few and very expensive.  

Water extract I for landfilling of inert waste

Most inert waste landfills require Table 4.1 and Water extract I according to Table 2.1, however, there are exceptions that only require Water extract I.   




Test duration

Decree 294/2005 Coll.
Table 4.1



7-10 days

Decree 294/2005 Coll.
Table 2.1 water extract. class I



7-10 days

total price



7-10 days

All prices are without VAT.

We automatically compare the results of the samples with the limits for the decree and offer a verbal evaluation of the results, including recommendations on how to dispose of the waste further, no extra charge.               

Water extract II for landfilling of other waste

Most landfills for other waste require both Water extract II and TOC, however, there are exceptions that only require Water extract II.



Test duration




7-10 days

Decree 294/2005 Coll.
Table 2.1 water extract. class II



7-10 days

total price​


7-10 days

All prices are without VAT.

We automatically compare the results of the samples with the limits for the decree and offer a verbal evaluation of the results, including recommendations on how to dispose of the waste further, no extra charge.          

Water extract III for landfilling of hazardous waste

Most landfills for other waste require both Water extract III and TOC, however, there are exceptions that only require Water extract III.



Test duration



7-10 days

Decree 294/2005 Coll.
Table 2.1 water extract. class III


7-10 days

total price​​


7-10 days

All prices are without VAT.

We automatically compare the results of the samples with the limits for the decree and offer a verbal evaluation of the results, including recommendations on how to dispose of the waste further, no extra charge.             


The decree requires sampling by an independent and accredited person. However, some landfills and intermediate landfills do not require this and you can extract the sample yourself.

  • Accredited sampling by our employees, including the sampling protocol, price from 600Kč (depending on the complexity of sampling). If it is necessary to dig or drill a probe, the price is 1,200 Kč.    
  • Transport of the sample to the laboratory is charged for a distance longer than 25 km from Prague or České Budějovice.  

Sample containers and recommended sample quantity 

The following rules apply if you take the sample yourself:

  • 1 kg of material (or more if wet). The recommended sample container is a plastic bucket with a lid, which you can borrow from us, free of charge.   
  • It is necessary to make a mixed sample from several places. For example to get sample from the pile of soil, you need to bypass it from all sides and take one shovel from each place into the bucket or bag.

Order an analysis

All prices include VAT.

Zvolte si rozbor:

Tab 2.1 Výluh I

Tab 2.1 Výluh II

Tab 2.1 Výluh III

Is something not clear to you?

+420 266 316 272
Contact us

To get your results only three steps are needed

Clarification of the assessment

We will confirm the purpose for which the assessment is needed.

Clarification of the assessment

For a landfill of inert, other or hazardous waste?

Soil sampling

According to the decree, our employee should be the one extracting the sample.

Soil sampling

We recommend to call the landfill in advance and verify what needs to be done.


We will start analysing your samples as soon as we get them.


You will receive the results by email within week, exceptionally within 2 weeks.