Analysis of drinking water for private subjects

Analysis of drinking water in an accredited laboratory in Prague. Chemical and bacteriological analysis.

Description of the analysis

We conduct laboratory tests of drinking water: chemical analysis, bacteriological analysis, determination of heavy metals, determination of basic pesticides. You will find our collection points in Prague, but we also perform analyzes of drinking water in České Budějovice.

Detailed analysis of drinking water - 2230 Kč

If you haven't had your water sources tested before, always select this analysis. The Detailed analysis of drinking water is intended for the purposes of final occupancy permit of family houses and cottages or for water sources which have not been tested before. The analysis include all significant cations and anions commonly found in water and other indicators to assess the quality of water. It also includes factors such as water hardness, iron and manganese, which are essential for water usage other than drinking (washing, washing up and hygiene). 

  Assessed indicators

Detailed analysis + pesticides - Discounted package - 3229 Kč

Determination of pesticides from crops treatment in the groundwater, eg. rapeseed etc. If you order the Basic pesticide package (ZBP) together with the First analysis of drinking water, you will save 100 Kč sale. 

The regular price of the Detailed Analysis is 2230 Kč  + the Basic pesticide package 1099 Kč = 3329 Kč. The discounted price is 2,499 Kč, so you will save 100 Kč.

You will get to know more about your water! 

  Assessed indicators   Assessed pesticides

Control analysis of drinking water -1250 Kč

Control analysis is for information purposes mainly. The shortened range of the analysed parameters include indicators which might determine the fecal or biological water pollution after winter, heavy rains or floods. It is intended to be used as a regular annual check of the quality of water in summer houses and cottages. It should be preceded by the First analysis. ​​

  Assessed indicators

Control analysis + pesticides - Discounted package - 2249 Kč

Determination of pesticides from crops treatment in the groundwater, eg. rapeseed etc. If you order the Basic pesticide package (ZBP) together with Control analysis of drinking water, you will save 100 Kč. 

The regular price of the Control analysis is 1250 Kč + the Basic pesticide package 1099 Kč = 2349 Kč. The discounted price is 2249 Kč, so you will save 100 Kč.

You will get to know more about your water! 

pH,  colour, odour, chlorides, nitrates, nitrites, ammonium ions, CHSK-Mn, coliform bacteria, enumeration of culturable microorganisms - colony count at 22°C, Escherichia coli, enterococci.

  Assessed indicators    Assessed pesticides

Pesticides in drinking water - Basic package - 1099 Kč

As the cultivation of some crops (rapeseed, maize, beet, potatoes, sunflowers, grain etc.) is expanding, the possibility of pollution of groundwater, water sources and wells around the fields is increased.

The Basic pesticide package (ZBP)  includes most common pesticides used while planting rapeseed, maize and beet.

   Assessed pesticides

Pesticides in drinking water - Extended package -  1399 Kč

Extended package of pesticides (RBP) includes pesticides used during treatment of rapeseed, maize, beet, lucerne, grain and potatoes. 

   Assessed pesticides

Order an analysis

You can pay cash or by card when handing over your samples to one of our laboratories. You can also pay cash to our technicians when they take the samples for you. 

All prices include VAT.

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Contact us

To get your results only three steps are needed

Samples need to be taken and shipped to our laboratory. Then you need to fill in the handover protocol and wait for your results to be sent back to you. 

Sampling sets

It is necessary to use our sterile sampling sets so we can guarantee the accuracy of the analysis. 

Sampling sets

You can pick up the sampling sets in person, have them delivered by a messenger or have the samples collected by us at your place. 


You can collect the samples of water yourself or leave it up to us. 


Collecting the samples is very simple and we will explain it to you when you pick up the sampling sets. If you live far away or don't feel like doing the sampling yourself we can collect the samples for you at your place. 

Delivery and Analysis

We will start analysing your samples as soon as we get them. You will receive the results via email within 14 days. 

Delivery and Analysis

You can pay cash or by card. Overall evaluation and explanation of each measurement are included in the email.